fuzzing fuzz testing rust rustlang library patrick ventuzelo libfuzzer cargofuzz fuzzinglabs honggfuzz libafl cargo-libafl
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Rust Fuzzing using cargo-libafl (LibAFL-based fuzzer)

Fuzzing Rust using cargo-libafl (LibAFL-based fuzzer) In this video, we are testing cargo-libafl, the new LibAFL-based fuzzer for Rust fuzzing. This new cargo utility is a replacement for (and a fork of) cargo-fuzz to use a LibAFL-based fuzzer instead of libfuzzer. Let’s see how it performs compare to libfuzzer. https://youtu.be/0gpGA80DA0s NOTES You will get access…

rust rustlang security books rustaceans rust programming language cargo cargo fuzz clippy

Top 6 Books to learn the Rust Programming Language in 2022

Top 6 Books to learn RustThe Rust Programming Language in 2022 In this video, I’m sharing with you my favorite books to learn Rust whatever if you’re a beginner or an advanced/experimented user! Some of those resources are fully available online for free and are real game-changers in your journey to learn the rust programming…