fuzzing tips advices vulnerability research

Top 5 Best Fuzzing & Vulnerability Research TIPS/ADVICE

Top 5 Best Fuzzing & Vulnerability Research TIPS/ADVICE Today I’m giving you my top 5 best tips and advice if you’re starting with fuzzing and vulnerability research. I hope you will appreciate and you can discover more about my courses here. Thank You, Patrick Ventuzelo / @Pat_Ventuzelo Twitter Linkedin-in Github FREE Courses & Training Enter your…

log4j log4j2 rce log4shell java fuzzing library fuzz testing jazzer code intelligence
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Can we find Log4Shell with Java Fuzzing? 🔥 (CVE-2021-44228 – Log4j RCE)

Can we find Log4Shell with Java Fuzzing? 🔥(CVE-2021-44228 – Log4j RCE) In this video, I’m trying to find the famous java Log4Shell RCE (CVE-2021-44228) using fuzzing. I’m targeting apache log4j2 version 2.14.1 and I’m using Jazzer, the Java fuzzer developed by Code Intelligence. I will show and give you everything to reproduce the same at…

scapy protocol fuzzing fuzz testing python
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Fuzzing with Scapy: Introduction to Protocol Fuzzing (DNS & TCP packets)

Fuzzing with Scapy: Introduction to Network Protocol Fuzzing  In this video, I’m showing how to use Scapy python for network protocol fuzzing. We will first start with a DNS python fuzzing script against dpkt python library. Finally, we will see how what a crash looks like since dpkt will generate an exception after TCP fuzzing. https://youtu.be/yrmPRYSEdg0 You will get access of…

hacking books fuzzing learn hacking

Learning Hacking & Fuzzing books ressources​

Top 4 books to learn about Fuzz Testing & Vulnerability Research in 2022 Today, I will like to show you my TOP 4 Hacking Books to Start learning Fuzzing and Vulnerability Research. Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery – link Fuzzing for Software Security Testing and Quality Assurance – link A Bug Hunter’s Diary – link…

fuzzing java code jazzer code intelligence oss fuzz fuzzing patrick ventuzelo fuzzinglabs jql
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Fuzzing Java code using Jazzer

Fuzzing Java code using Jazzer Java Fuzzer Fuzzing Java code (JSoup) using Jazzer fuzzer In this course, I will fuzz a popular Java library (JSoup) in order to find uncaught Java exception. I will explain how to create a java fuzzing harness for this target using the Jazzer java fuzzer. Then, I will run it and show you what’s happening when…

fuzzing labs golang go gofuzz go-fuzz fuzz testing code package library
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Introduction to Fuzzing Golang

Introduction to Fuzzing Golang code 1. Fuzzing Go package using go-fuzz & libfuzzer In this course, I will first select a popular Golang library and identify the most interesting methods to fuzz. Then, I’ll explains how to use go-fuzz and libfuzzer to compile the fuzzing target. Finally, I’ll show how to run the fuzzer.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsSebOAD5yw&list=PLa-iO6ehPFJgCKKiyEU__dUJVDVh-TUbT 2….