osint ipfs cti invetigation threat intelligence blockchain summit hacklu
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IPFS OSINT & Blockchain CTI: Exploring IPFS Data Collection & Analysis [hack.lu 2023]

IPFS OSINT & Blockchain CTI: Exploring IPFS Data Collection & Analysis – hack.lu 2023 Abstract This talk was given at hack.lu 2023, will dive into exclusive data collection and analysis techniques specific to this IPFS. We’ll also briefly tour IPFS’s wide range of applications and provide practical tips and tricks to help you secure your…

osint blockchain web3 profiling tracking deanonimization ethereum evm on-chain off-chain
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Cryptocurrency & NFT OSINT: Introduction to Web3/Ethereum Profiling & Deanonymization [LeHack OSINT village 2023]

Cryptocurrency & NFT OSINT: Introduction to Web3/Ethereum Profiling & Deanonymization This talk unravels the intricacies of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs from an Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) perspective. We’ll demystify how these technologies operate and explore relevant OSINT techniques. Delving into real-world use cases, we’ll highlight how OSINT can help profile public personalities, identify victims of…