BGP Under Pressure : Protocol Fuzzing in action
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BGP Under Pressure : Protocol Fuzzing in action

BGP Under Pressure Protocol Fuzzing in action When it comes to keeping the internet running smoothly, the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is absolutely essential. BGP is the backbone of how routers share the best paths for data across different networks. Given its importance, even small bugs can cause big headaches. That’s why we’ve been busy…

How Fuzzing Could Have Prevented the zkLend Hack​
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How Fuzzing Could Have Prevented the zkLend Hack​

rediscovery of the starknet zklend hack How Fuzzing Could Have Prevented the zkLend Hack The recent zkLend hack has stirred up significant discussion in the community, and today we’d like to share some insights from our deep dive into the vulnerability using fuzzing techniques at FuzzingLabs. Our investigation reveals that a simple fuzzing test could…

Recon Fuzzing Windows Userland Applications Training by FuzzingLabs
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Recon 2025 – Fuzzing Windows Userland Applications On-site Training

REcon 2025 – Training Announcement Fuzzing Windows Userland Applications Training Master the art of uncovering vulnerabilities in Windows applications with our in-depth Windows Fuzzing training at ReCon 2025! This hands-on course will guide you through the fundamentals of fuzzing, advanced techniques like grammar-based and symbolic execution, and real-world applications targeting browsers, antivirus software, and more….

Rust development for cybersecurity at Recon 2025 by FuzzingLabs
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Recon 2025 – Rust Development for Cybersecurity On-site Training

REcon 2025 – Training Announcement Rust Development for Cybersecurity Training Dive into the world of cutting-edge cybersecurity tools with our exclusive Rust Development for Cybersecurity Training! Led by experts Matthieu Christophe and Tanguy Duhamel, this hands-on program will equip you with advanced Rust techniques to build defensive and offensive security tools, unlocking your potential to…

Story Security Assessment Completed
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Story Security Assessment Completed

Story / Security Assessment Completed Strengthening Blockchain-Based IP Management At FuzzingLabs we recently completed a comprehensive security assessment of Story, a decentralized network that aims to revolutionize intellectual property (IP) management. This audit was undertaken to ensure the security and resilience of its blockchain-based infrastructure, smart contracts, and consensus mechanisms. Below, we provide an overview…

offensivecon 2025 browser fuzzing binary gecko
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OffensiveCon 2025 – Practical Browser Fuzzing On-site Training

OffensiveCon 2025 – Training Announcement Practical Web Browser Fuzzing Training Kickstart your journey into the intricate world of web browser fuzzing at OffensiveCon 2025! This exclusive training, led by experts Patrick Ventuzelo and Tanguy Duhamel, is your opportunity to master advanced fuzzing techniques and uncover vulnerabilities in some of the most widely used software globally….

Sponge Trouble: When Poseidon Gets Absorbed in Its Own Bugs
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Sponge Trouble: When Poseidon Gets Absorbed in Its Own Bugs

Poseidon Sponge Bugs in ArkWorks Avoiding Cryptographic Failures in Hashing We found two subtle yet impactful bugs in the ArkWorks library’s implementation of the Poseidon Sponge. This discovery highlights the complexity and precision required in cryptographic implementations. In this article, we’ll first explain what Poseidon Sponge is, how it works, and then delve into the…

Uncovering a Subtle Bug in EVM Arithmetic: The Case of Negating Zero
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Uncovering a Subtle Bug in EVM Arithmetic: The Case of Negating Zero

Uncovering a Subtle Bug in Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) The Case of Arithmetic Negating Zero Our team at FuzzingLabs has been auditing the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) implementation by LambdaClass. Throughout the audit, we’ve identified several vulnerabilities, but in this post, we’ll focus on one particularly interesting issue involving the SDIV operation and its handling…

astria astria-geth protobuf
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When Debug Logs Go Wrong & Crash Your gRPC Node: A Bug in Astria-geth

When Debug Logs Go Wrong & Crash Your gRPC Node Deep Dive into Astria-Geth GRPC Logging Bug In blockchain technology, even small mistakes can cause big problems. Imagine if sending an empty request to a node’s API could crash the entire node. Hard to believe? That’s exactly what we found in the Astria-geth node. In…

fuzzing news newsletter august september 2024

Fuzzing News / August & September 2024

Fuzzing Newsletter August & September 2024 📺 Videos/Podcasts Fuzzing for Bugs 🎸🤘 AI-generated Rock Song for Security Researcher 😎 – 📝 Blogposts/Papers/Slides SoK: Where to Fuzz? Assessing Target Selection Methods in Directed Fuzzing – Expand the reach of Fuzzing – On Understanding and Forecasting Fuzzers Performance with Static Analysis – Ring Around The Regex: Lessons…