The following list shows fuzzing vulnerabilities and bugs found inside customer projects and open source software. Targeted projects are mainly written in Rust, Golang, C/C++ and JavaScript.

These bugs were found while working and developing beacon-fuzz for SigmaPrime and the Ethereum Fondation.

These bugs were found while working and developing fuzzing for Starkware.

  • [Python] starkware-libs/cairo-lang – 1 issue
  • [Go] NethermindEth/juno – 2 issues
  • [Rust] lambdaclass/cairo-rs – 2 issues
  • [Rust] starkware-libs/cairo – 2 issue

These bugs were found while working and developing fuzzing for Aleo.

These bugs were found while fuzzing WebAssembly VM/Libraries/Tools during customers projects audits and during the development of WARF (WebAssembly Runtimes Fuzzing project)

These bugs were found while developing our 4G/VoLTE/5G telecom fuzzer.

These bugs were found while fuzzing softwares in free time or while doing bug bounty.

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