How Fuzzing Could Have Prevented the zkLend Hack​
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How Fuzzing Could Have Prevented the zkLend Hack​

rediscovery of the starknet zklend hack How Fuzzing Could Have Prevented the zkLend Hack The recent zkLend hack has stirred up significant discussion in the community, and today we’d like to share some insights from our deep dive into the vulnerability using fuzzing techniques at FuzzingLabs. Our investigation reveals that a simple fuzzing test could…

cairo smart contract vulnerability starknet sierra starkware l1 l2 thoth
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Top Vulnerabilities in Cairo Smart Contracts: Detection and Remediation

Top 4 Vulnerabilities in Cairo/Starknet Smart Contracts Detection and Remediation What is Cairo ? In 2021, StarkWare introduced Cairo, a programming language designed for creating provable programs using zero-knowledge proofs. It serves as the smart contract language for Starknet, a layer-2 blockchain built on top of Ethereum. This article explores some of the most common…

journey into Building Security Tools For Cairo/Starknet Smart Contracts thoth cairo-fuzzer cairo-vm sierra
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Journey into Building Security Tools for Cairo/Starknet Smart Contracts [EthCC6]

Journey into Building Security Tools for Cairo/Starknet Smart Contracts [EthCC6] During this talk, we will explain the challenges we faced the past year while building two open-source security tools: cairo-fuzzer and Thoth, our complete Cairo/StarkNet analysis framework. Direct download: link You will get access of the complete tutorial with source code, cheat sheet and or…

cairo starknet starkware cairo-lang reversing disassembly decompilation analysis voyager reverse engineering thoth starknetcc
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thoth, Cairo/starknet bytecode analyzer [StarkNetCC 2022 – Lisbon]

thoth, Cairo/starknet bytecode analyzer [StarkNetCC 2022 – Lisbon] Thoth (pronounced “taut” or “toss”) is a Cairo/Starknet analyzer, disassembler & decompiler written in Python 3. Thoth’s features also include the generation of the call graph, the control-flow graph (CFG) and the data-flow graph for a given Cairo/Starknet compilation artifact. Those slides come from our talk a…