BGP Under Pressure : Protocol Fuzzing in action
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BGP Under Pressure : Protocol Fuzzing in action

BGP Under Pressure Protocol Fuzzing in action When it comes to keeping the internet running smoothly, the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is absolutely essential. BGP is the backbone of how routers share the best paths for data across different networks. Given its importance, even small bugs can cause big headaches. That’s why we’ve been busy…

Breaking Down the Baseband​ : Shannon in a nutshell
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Breaking Down the Baseband​ : Shannon in a nutshell

Breaking Down the Baseband Shannon in a nutshell Over the past 30 years, technology has revolutionized communications. Mobile phones, now owned by about 80% of people worldwide, have become our constant companions and the most widely adopted innovation after television. These devices rely on complex network standards implemented through specialized processors. Like all software, this…

scapy protocol fuzzing fuzz testing python
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Fuzzing with Scapy: Introduction to Protocol Fuzzing (DNS & TCP packets)

Fuzzing with Scapy: Introduction to Network Protocol Fuzzing  In this video, I’m showing how to use Scapy python for network protocol fuzzing. We will first start with a DNS python fuzzing script against dpkt python library. Finally, we will see how what a crash looks like since dpkt will generate an exception after TCP fuzzing. You will get access of…