cairo starknet starkware cairo-lang reversing disassembly decompilation analysis voyager reverse engineering thoth starknetcc
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thoth, Cairo/starknet bytecode analyzer [StarkNetCC 2022 – Lisbon]

thoth, Cairo/starknet bytecode analyzer [StarkNetCC 2022 – Lisbon] Thoth (pronounced “taut” or “toss”) is a Cairo/Starknet analyzer, disassembler & decompiler written in Python 3. Thoth’s features also include the generation of the call graph, the control-flow graph (CFG) and the data-flow graph for a given Cairo/Starknet compilation artifact. Those slides come from our talk a…

ziion halborn kali linux blockchain security ethereum solana algorand near rust go evm solidity
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Ziion: Discovery of this New Kali Linux for Blockchain Security

Ziion: Kali Linux for Blockchain Security Today, I’m presenting Ziion, a “Kali Linux” like VM for blockchain security engineers made by Halborn. It’s a dedicated virtual machine that contains a bunch of security tools like static analyzer, fuzzer, analyzer, etc. for various blockchain protocols and smart contract languages such as Ethereum, Solidity, EVM, Rust, Go,…

blackhat usa 2022 wasm fuzzing patrick ventuzelo fuzzinglabs webassembly
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A Journey Into Fuzzing WebAssembly Virtual Machines [BlackHat USA 2022]

A Journey Into Fuzzing WebAssembly Virtual Machines [BlackHat USA 2022] Abstract Since the MVP release in 2017, WebAssembly evolve gradually, bringing new adepts and new VM implementations over time. It’s now possible to run WebAssembly modules over every modern browser, in some blockchain, or using a standalone VM. In the same way that multiple JavaScript…

cairo starknet starkware cairo-lang reversing disassembly decompilation analysis voyager reverse engineering thoth

Starknet/Cairo Contract Reverse Engineering, Disassembly & Analysis with Thoth

Starknet/Cairo Contract Reverse Engineering, Disassembly & Analysis with Thoth In this video, I will show how to reverse, disassemble, decompile and analyze Cairo smart contracts deployed on Starknet using Thoth, our Fuzzinglabs’s Cairo/Starknet bytecode analyzer, disassembler & decompiler. You will get access of the complete tutorial with source code, cheat sheet and or complete…

state art ethereum solidity fuzzing echidna foundry harvey
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State of the Art of Ethereum Smart Contract Fuzzing in 2022 [EthCC5]

State of the Art of Ethereum Smart Contract Fuzzing in 2022 [EthCC5] Fuzzing is known as one of the most efficient techniques to find bugs in software. Sadly, when dealing with Ethereum smart contracts, the number of fuzzers and documentation available is really limited. During this talk, we will explain why fuzz testing EVM smart…

v8 javascript d8 chrome JS dharma grammar fuzzing fuzz testing domato freedom
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Introduction to V8 JavaScript Engine Grammar-based Fuzzing

Introduction to V8 JavaScript Engine Grammar-based Fuzzing with Dharma In this short hands-on workshop, we will attack the V8 JavaScript Engine using grammar-based fuzzing. First, I will show how to download a version of V8 already compiled with addressSanitizer (ASAN). Then, I will introduce how to write a Dharma grammar and finally, we will use…

ethereum evm slither mythril echidna fuzzing audit solidity security vulnerability ETH
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Solidity/Ethereum Smart Contract Audit using Slither – Blockchain Security #4

Solidity/Ethereum Smart Contract Audit using SlitherBlockchain Security In this video, I will show how to audit and find vulnerabilities inside an Ethereum smart contract written in Solidity using Slither, one of the best EVM smart contract analysis tools. You will get access of the complete tutorial with source code, cheat sheet and or complete…

wasm webassembly browser emscripten solana wasm-pack wasm-bindgen near ewasm wasmer wasmtime
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Top 7 books to learn WebAssembly in 2022

Top 7 books to learn WebAssembly in 2022 Today, I discuss my favorite books if you are looking to learn more about WebAssembly and wasm security. Learn WebAssembly – link WebAssembly in Action – link What Is WebAssembly? – link The Art of WebAssembly – link WebAssembly: The Definitive Guide – link Programming WebAssembly with…

fuzzing firefox browser in-process fuzz testing frida hook browser books security

Top 4 books to learn Web Browser Security in 2022

Top 4 books to learn Web Browser Security in 2022 Today, I discuss my favorite books if you are looking to learn more about Web Browser internals and Browser security. The Tangled Web – link High-Performance Browser Networking – link / online The Browser Hacker’s Handbook – link The Google Chrome Comic – link…

fuzzing fuzz testing rust rustlang library patrick ventuzelo libfuzzer cargofuzz fuzzinglabs honggfuzz libafl cargo-libafl
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Rust Fuzzing using cargo-libafl (LibAFL-based fuzzer)

Fuzzing Rust using cargo-libafl (LibAFL-based fuzzer) In this video, we are testing cargo-libafl, the new LibAFL-based fuzzer for Rust fuzzing. This new cargo utility is a replacement for (and a fork of) cargo-fuzz to use a LibAFL-based fuzzer instead of libfuzzer. Let’s see how it performs compare to libfuzzer. NOTES You will get access…